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The success of a company largely depends on the level of professionalism of its employees. A competency model is a tool that improves the quality of selection, assessment and training of team members. In this article, we will discuss how to develop such a model, implement it and use it in a company.

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What is competence?

Competence is a set of knowlge, skills, abilities, as well as personal and business qualities of a person that are necessary to perform a task. These characteristics necessarily manifest themselves in behavior. They can be measur to prict the employee’s effectiveness in the future.

For example, an employee knows how to lead and knows how to lead a team, but does not want or does not like to do it. That is, in theory, he will talk a lot about leadership, but will not show these qualities in behavior. The competence “leadership” in such a person will be poorly develop.

In order for an employee to behave in accordance with his/her competence, he/she must:

How to describe a competency

Competence is necessarily manifest in a person’s behavior. Therefore, it can be describ using a list of specific actions that a person performs during work.

Such actions are call behavioral indicators or indicators of competence manifestation.

Here are examples of indicators for the “effective communications” competency:

  • A person not only speaks himself, but also listens to his interlocutor.
  • He presents information in a structur manner. He arranges his arguments in a logical sequence.
  • Finds out the opponent’s position and clarifies how he was understood.

What is a competency model?

A competency model is a comprehensive and structur list of competencies that are necessary to perform successfully in a specific position. It is also call a competency map or competency matrix.


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This model sets the basic criteria and standards by which the professional effectiveness of an employee is assess.

For example, for a sales manager, you can create the following list of necessary competencies:

  • loyalty to the company;
  • customer focus;
  • possession of sales skills;
  • product knowlge;
  • stress resistance.

Each competency must have a list of behavioral indicators. This will be the competency model.

What are the competency models?


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The competency model can be simple or multi-level.

A model without levels has the same behavior indicators for competencies us in different positions. It is easier to develop and implement. But this approach can miss some important nuances.

The model with levels is more complex – it has a large structure. Such a system is us to describe a wide range of jobs that require varying degrees of expression of the necessary skills. In this case, competency indicators are divid into levels, they can be rank.

How to visualize a competency model

There are different ways to visualize a multi-level competency model.

First, you can use a graph or a histogram. On one axis of the histogram, you ne to indicate all the necessary competencies, and on the other – the level of their expression. If you mark the current level of competencies for a specific employee and their desir level, you can see the so-call “gaps” or areas of human growth.

How a competency model differs from a job profile

The competency model is part of the job profile. The job profile for a specific position typically includes:

  • desir gender and age of the employee;
  • necessary ucation and work experience;
  • model of requir competencies;
  • functional responsibilities;
  • salary opportunities and other working conditions.

What does the competency model provide?

The competency model is appli in several processes that are important for the company:

  • Recruiting. Facilitates the search and evaluation of new employees.
  • Onboarding newcomers. Provides a simple and visual model of what actions an employee should take to work successfully.
  • Creating a talent pool. Helps identify talent and capable team members whose competencies are well develop.
  • Regular employee assessment. Allows for ongoing assessment of team members.
  • Team training and development. Identifies areas for employee growth, helps develop a program for their development, and selects the necessary tools for this.
  • Career change management. Allows you to identify candidates for promotion or dismissal.

Thus, using a competency model benefits the company as a whole: it sets simple and clear standards for work in different positions.

The competency model is useful for managers, because it helps to clearly formulate expectations from a person. It gives the opportunity to set a goal for an employee and evaluate the progress of his development.

Types of competencies

To make the competency model complete and comprehensive, it is recommend to add characteristics of three types to it:

  • Corporate competencies. These are requirements that apply to all employees of the company. They overlap strongly with  business values .
  • Professional or technical competencies. These are the knowlge and skills that employees must possess to successfully perform their work, i.e. hard skills.
  • Management or managerial competencies. These are soft skills that are important when interacting with people.

If you use only one type of characteristics in a competency model, it will be incomplete and “one-sid.” Some important competencies will not be taken into account.

Corporate competencies:

  • result orientation;
  • teamwork;
  • respect for the individual;
  • flexibility and readiness for change;
  • responsibility;
  • striving for personal growth.

How to Develop a Competency Model

A competency model will be effective if it:

  • written in simple and understandable language;
  • is relevant and aim at implementing the company’s strategy;
  • resonates with the corporate culture and  business values .

To develop such a model, five steps must be follow.

Step 1: Identify the list of positions for which a model is ne

Developing a detail competency model is a labor-intensive process. It is not necessary to create models for all positions in the company at once. You can start with the most important areas for the business, for example, with the sales department or the department for new product development.

Step 2: Assemble an Expert Group

The next step is to create a project group that buy taiwan phone data will develop the competency model. It can include:

  • A specialist from the HR department.
  • Heads of departments for whom you will develop a competency model.
  • The company’s employees who will act as the “prototype” of the model. As a rule, successful team members from the “star” or “workhorse” category are chosen for this purpose.
  • External experts and consultants.

Members of this group can actively participate in the further implementation of the model into the company’s work.

Step 3: Create a list of competencies for each position

At the next stage, we define the list of competencies that are ne to work in a certain position. Specify only the names of the competencies, without details for now.

It is recommend to include different types of characteristics in the list of competencies for each position: corporate, professional and managerial. Then the model will be comprehensive and balanc.

Here are some ways to create such a list:
  • Study the company’s strategy. Find out what its main goal is for the near and long term. Read the description of the corporate culture, values, and strategic objectives.
  • Observe successful employees. Determine what knowlge, skills, and behavioral characteristics help them achieve results. Find out how these people differ from their unsuccessful colleagues.
  • Study the regulatory documents. They reflect the key requirements for different positions. Analysis of ready-made work instructions will help to identify the necessary professional competencies.
  • Conduct interviews with managers. Consult with internal and external experts if necessary.
Step 4: Describe the behavior indicators and categorize them into levels

Defining competency indicators is a very important cm lists stage, which largely affects the effectiveness of the model. For each competency, it is necessary to indicate how it manifests itself in human behavior, what actions mean that a person successfully copes with the work.

Here are the basic principles for choosing and describing behavior indicators:

  • We ne indicators that are noticeable in human behavior. That is, they can be seen and measur.
  • Indicators must be describ in clear and simple words. The wording must be unambiguous. That is, not abstract, not vague, and not allowing for double interpretation or distortion of meaning.
  • Behavioural indicators of different competencies should not overlap.
Step 5. Think about methods for assessing competencies

The presence of competence can be assess in different ways. The choice of assessment method is influenc by the type of competence and the employee’s position level.

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