2023 Independent Exam Registration: More Information

Education is an important thing in a person’s life. One of the important steps in pursuing education is to continue to a higher level of education, such as college. However, to be able to enter a state university (PTN), there are several paths that can be taken.

One of the paths that can be taken to enter PTN is the independent path. This independent path exam is given to prospective students who want to take the independent selection held by PTN.

Prospective students who take the independent path must meet the requirements set by each PTN. Come on, find out more about this independent path exam!

What is an Independent Test?

Independent exams are exams held independently by prospective exam participants without having to go through an institution or agency that organizes them. Independent exams can be done by individuals or groups and can be held anywhere and anytime as long as they are in accordance with the predetermined schedule.

Independent exams are usually conducted as an alternative to exams held by certain agencies or institutions, for example as a requirement to enter a university or to obtain certification in a field.

Independent tests can be written tests, online tests, or practical tests, depending on the desired goals and needs. The results of independent tests are usually used to evaluate a person’s ability or expertise in a field or to meet certain requirements determined by the relevant agency or institution.

Independent exams can also be an alternative for those who cannot take official exams organized by agencies or institutions for various reasons, such as clashing schedules or locations far from where they live.

However, it should be noted that independent exams are not always recognized by all agencies or institutions that require certification or ability evalua database shop tion. Therefore, before taking an independent exam, prospective participants should ensure that the exam is recognized and meets the required requirements.

2023 Independent Exam Selection Requirements

In general, the requirements and procedures for independent exam selection can vary depending on the institution or university that organizes the independent exam.

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However, in general, the requirements for independent exam selection can include:

  1. Have a diploma or certificate recognized by the government, such as a high school diploma or equivalent for undergraduate programs, or a bachelor’s degree for postgraduate programs.
  2. Meet academic requirements, such as a certain grade point average or GPA.
  3. Register online or directly at the relevant campus.
  4. Pay the registration and examin how long should your blog post be? ation fees determined by the institution or university.
  5. Take an independent exam which includes a written test, interview, or special ability test depending on the study program chosen.

However, make sure to check more specific requirements anelection procedures on the official website of the institution or university in question.

PTN with Independent Path Quota up to 50 percent

There are 21 State Universities (PTN) that have independent selection pathways of up to 50 percent. This is because they have the status of PTN Legal Entity (PTN-BH).

Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia No. 48 of 2022 concerning the Admission of New Students for Diploma Programs and Undergraduate Programs at State Universiti usa bu es, PTN-BH has a larger quota for the independent selection pathway compared to PTN that does not have PTN-BH status.

However, despite this, these 21 PTN-BH have a smaller quota for the National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT) or previously known as the Joint Selection for Entrance to State Universities (SBMPTN) compared to PTNs that do not yet have PTN-BH status.

The following is a list of PTNs with independent pathway quotas of up to 50 percent.

  1. University of Indonesia (UI)
  2. Gadjah Mada University (UGM)
  3. Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS)
  4. Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)
  5. Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB)
  6. Padjajaran University (Unpad)
  7. Diponegoro University (Undip)
  8. University of North Sumatra (USU)
  9. Hasanuddin University (Unhas)
  10. March 11th University (UNS)
  11. Indonesian University of Education (UPI)
  12. State University of Malang (UM)
  13. Andalas University
  14. Padang State University (UNP)
  15. Yogyakarta State University (UNY)
  16. Airlangga University (Unair)
  17. Brawijaya University (UB)
  18. Semarang State University (Unnes)
  19. State University of Surabaya (Unesa)
  20. Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah)
  21. Open University

2023 Independent Exam Rules

The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) has issued the latest regulation regarding the Selection or Independent Exam in State Universities (PTN), in addition to the Joint National Selection of Universities (SNBP) and the Joint National Selection for State Universities (SNBT). This regulation was made to ensure the independent selection system becomes fairer and more transparent.

1. Before the Independent Examination

Before the independent exam is held, each PTN is required to announce at least the following 4 things:

  • Student quota available in the faculty or study program.
  • The assessment method used, whether the test is conducted independently, a collaborative test through a consortium of universities, SNBT scores, or other methods if necessary.
  • The method of determining and the amount of tuition fees that must be paid by students who graduate through the independent route.
  • If there is a violation of the selection regulations, both prospective students and the public can report it through the Ministry’s Inspectorate General’s whistleblowing system channel accompanied by evidence.

2. After the Independent Examination

After the independent pathway is completed, all PTNs are required to announce at least the following 4 things:

  • The number of selection participants who passed and the remaining quota that has not been filled in the faculty or study program.
  • The objection period is 5 working days after the selection results are announced.
  • Procedures for refuting selection results.
  • If there is a violation of the selection regulations, both prospective students and the public can report it through the Ministry’s Inspectorate General’s whistleblowing system channel accompanied by evidence.

When and How to Register for the 2023 Independent Exam

Most State Universities (PTN) have not announced when the Independent pathway will be held. This is because PTN must complete two other new student admission pathways, namely the Joint National Selection of State Universities (SNBP) and the Joint National Selection for Entry to State Universities (SNBM).

However, generally the implementation of the Independent pathway will be carried out after the SNBM is completed. The results of the selection will be announced no later than the end of July in accordance with Permendikbud Ristek No. 48 of 2022.

In this new scheme of the Independent pathway, PTN can extend the Independent pathway wave until August 15 if the quota is still available. The Independent pathway selection is based on academic selection and must not be related to commercial purposes.

The method or flow of registration for the Mandiri pathway will usually be announced together with the announcement of the implementation of the pathway. Currently, there is no further information about the flow of registration for the Mandiri pathway.

That is the information about independent exams. In the world of education, independent exams can be the last path for many students to be able to enter state universities. However, independent exams are not easy to face. Thorough and intensive preparation is very important to face this independent exam.

For students taking independent exams, thorough preparation must begin long before the exam date. The material to be tested is usually very broad and requires a long time to learn. Students must have good independent learning skills and effective time management skills to ensure they are ready for the exam.

With thorough and good preparation, students can face the independent exam with confidence and increase their chances of being accepted into a state university.

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