A turnover of approximately 30.6 billion euros last year (according to data processed. By the B2C e-commerce Observatory of the Milan Polytechnic in collaboration with Netcomm ). Of these, 7.2 billion are related to the purchase of online services, while 23.4 billion are related to the purchase of products online. This is over 5 billion more than the same figure for the previous year.
An increase in volume
That of e-commerce, among the highest phone number database and certainly sudden ever seen. Which has almost reached a percentage of +30% compared to 2019. Perhaps even more surprising is the data that shows that more than 40% of the Italian turnover comes from the mobile channel , or from the so-called mobile commerce.
Are you still convinced that opening an e-commerce and adopting an online sales strategy cannot help you in your entrepreneurial activity ?
If you think that your specific operating why is the newsletter essential in your strategy? sector is not suitable for this revolution, know that growth trends have transversally affected the most heterogeneous product categories. Bringing concrete advantages to anyone who has wisely decided to enter the world of e-commerce.
You have no excuses: deciding not to join the companies that have gone digital and created online sales channels is a decidedly counter-current choice.
And for once, being “in the crowd” is the wisest decision.
A trend destined to die out?
Let’s answer the question right away, since the answer is extremely simple: no.
What is perhaps most surprising about lack data this entire analysis is the evidence. Tthat the reported trends are far from stopping: not only because of an emergency situation that cannot yet be considered resolved. But also and above all because e-commerce has now become an integral part of the purchasing routine of many individuals.