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How to make a good budget if you | beb directory

How to make a good budget if you are a graphic designer?

In 2011 I start working as a freelance graphic and web designer on an ad hoc basis while I resum my design studies, although I have since spent the last 2 years working for clients full-time as an independent designer and have written more than 350 budgets.

When I had to create my first graphic design budgets

I had no idea what they should include, so I always ask some more experienc colleagues or look for information on the Internet. Well, this was not enough because many times the projects and conditions are too specific and I learn to better define my design budgets and add clauses by failing.


Do you know what happen?

It took me 6 months to finish a poster that I thought would take me 1 week and I end up making about 14 versions with images that I myself look for in free image banks (because the client did not want to pay for premium images and did not have quality photographs), photo compositions and different photomontages because the client was not sure which photo he want to appear. Of course, it was a job that I took on for free (a huge mistake) and I work hours and hours and hours for a ridiculous price.

In addition the project was put on hold

Waiting for his feedback because other more important tasks had arisen and the poster suddenly was no longer in his hurry, so every few weeks he would show up with “how would it look with a photo of I don’t know what?” And worse, one day he would come in in a hurry and ne urgent changes to the poster with ideas that had occurr to him.

From this and many other similar experiences bas on mistakes I learn to dedicate time to improve the conditions of my graphic design budgets but I think that trial and error is a very frustrating process. In fact, I was overwhelm by the subject with each budget I had to deal with.

I think I’m not the only one with these frustrations and doubts with client budgets because we usually start as freelancers without knowing all these details of the business. That’s why I want to help you thanks to a series of clauses that can’t be missing in the next design budgets you write for your clients.

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Important clauses for making a graphic design budget
good graphic designer budget
Payment method for graphic design
I meet many designers who deliver design sketches or logo proposals for new clients without asking for an initial payment and then the “client” disappears with their ideas and doesn’t pay a penny. Don’t give in when they ask for free proposals! To show your skills and style you already have your creative portfolio.

It is recommend to always request a 50% advance on the total of. The project and never start working until the client makes the first payment. It is important to note that no design or material made should be shown without the client paying the advance.

The rest of the payment. Depending on whether it is a more or less long project. Is best divid between the months that it is estimat that. The work will be europe cell phone number resource done, or if it is a small job or short project, request the other 50% once the work has been approv and before the final delivery.

Example of clause:


Description of the creative design
Write in detail what the creative work you are going to do consists of, including everything that is going to be deliver and what you are NOT delivering or including. If you do not detail this well, you run the risk of not limiting your work well and ending up doing a lot of extra work for free.

For example:

If you do a web design job on WordPress, always explain. That you do not include technical maintenance once the website is deliver. set by both parties to review. The work deliver and correct possible errors that are your responsibility) or. That you do not include the SEO strategy but you do include the implementation if everything is deliver to you at the beginning.

Also indicate in what color mode formats and dimensions you deliver the files

If you DO NOT deliver the original and/or kyb directory editable files, indicate this as well. Some designers deliver them for free and others only. If the client asks for it and add an extra to the budget.

This is your decision but keep in mind


Also make it very clear what the system will be.

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