By 2020, it had already surpassed 400 million. By the first months of 2022, the app had at least Multiple Telegram 550 million users, according to Statista figures referring to the most popular social networks in the world in January 2022, ranked by number of monthly active users.
This figure alone shows that
Telegram is a communication channel with a lot of potential to generate telegram marketing value for your business through interactions with leads and the search for new prospects. Also if you use it as a means for customer service and pre and post-sales. How to create a company account on
Telegram Business?
It is important to clarify that there is no such thing as an app called Telegram Business, as is the case with Whatsapp Business.
However, Telegram can
be used as a useful communication and marketing tool for businesses. To take advantage Multiple Telegram of its potential for companies’ marketing strategy, the first step is to have an account on the app. Here are the steps to open it: Download and install the application.
Open the app you downloaded. Register your phone number. Please confirm your 100% accurate germany phone number library phone number. Enter your company or business details. You will be asked for: profile photo, brand eu phone number name and description of your business activity.
Also add your username;
it should be the name of your brand. Once you create your Multiple Telegram Business account, you can start using it to achieve your business purposes.