It’s ProBlogger Training Event week! All systems go here for a fantastic weekend of learning and networking. Your next roundup will cz leads come to you straight from the (sunny I hope) Gold Coast, where we’ll be hanging out for two days of presentations, workshops and gatherings. There’s still tickets if you’d like to join us (or virtual tickets if you can’t physically be there).
This week’s roundup is packed full. Of the best of the web – why Rand . Fishkin thinks you should expand your blog topics, how to . Give a great updated 2024 mobile phone number data presentation (I’m excited for mine on Friday! I can’t wait to share my content-creating tips and tools), the pros and cons of removing. Comments sections, and more. But first up – how to get the most out of a conference! #timely
Use This Step by Step Guide to Feeling Confident and Connected at a Conference | Copyblogger
Awesome tips for getting out of your comfort zone!
How I’m Promoting My Webinar Series with Facebook Ads | Jon Loomer
And I know plenty of you are holding webinars Rəqəmsal Marketinq Məktəbi Şagirdlərinin Cavab and similar things – these tips on Facebook ads are super helpful!
Right in the Feels (or how to create content that gets shared) | Hannah Smith
This is a great visual description of what works and what doesn’t (and why), but if you’re not up to clicking “next” 250 times, there is a transcript under the slideshow (though it made my eyes water trying to read it!)
Why it’s a Bad Idea to Only Create Content For Your Specific Target Audience | Moz
Everything I knew is wrong.
NPR Website to Get Rid of Comments | NPR
NPR recently removed the comment section on their website in favour of conversations taking place solely on social media. They’re not the first to do so, even when the advice is there to keep people on the only platform you have control over.