UNIKOM Bandung Departments: Complete Information and Fees

Bandung is indeed one of the most popular cities that is visited by many people. In addition to being a vacation spot, this city with the nickname Paris Van Java is one of the destinations for continuing education.

Universitas Komputer Indonesia Bandung or UNIKOM Bandung is one of the famous campuses. This is none other than because of its quality and the variety of majors offered.

What are the majors at UNIKOM Bandung? Here is the explanation.

Profile of Universitas Komputer Indonesia Bandung

Before discussing the majors at UNIKOM Bandung in more detail, let’s get to know this campus first!

Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM) is a leading private campus in Bandung that specializes in technology and information.

This campus was officially established on Tuesday, August 8, 2000 based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education number 126/D/0/2000.

Since its establishment in 2000, UNIKOM has accepted ± 2,000 new students every year. This number has increased along with the rapid development of UNIKOM and also the achievement of various achievements.

To become a leading university in the field of technology and communication with a global perspective, entrepreneurial spirit, and a center of excellence in the field of science and technology that supports national development and is oriented towards the interests of society, nation, and state.

To organize modern higher education based on UNIKOM culture, PIQIE (Professionalism, Integrity, Quality, Information Technology, Excellence), with a conducive education system and study programs based on software, hardware, entrepreneurship, and multimedia animation by optimizing existing resources based on the principles of efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity.

Faculties and Departments at Unikom Bandung

The following is an explanation of the faculties and departments of UNIKOM Bandung.

1. Faculty of Engineering and Computer buy telemarketing data Science
The Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (FTIK) UNIKOM Bandung is a faculty that is committed to implementing a conducive education system and continuously developing and improving all aspects related to the tridharma of higher education, producing graduates who have up-to-date competencies in the fields of engineering and computer science.

This is in line with the vision of FTIK, namely to become a leading faculty in the field of ICT and other engineering fields, to become a Center of Excellence in the field of ICT and other engineering fields, to have global achievements and reputation, and to equip its graduates with an entrepreneurial spirit.

There are 11 departments at FTIK UNIKOM Bandung, namely:

2. Faculty of Economics and Business
The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNIKOM Bandung is UNIKOM has a vision to become “a leading faculty in the field of information and communication technology, with a global perspective, an entrepreneurial spirit and a center for development in the fields of economics and business that supports national development and is oriented towards the interests of society, nation and state.

FEB UNIKOM Bandung has five departments, namely:

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3. Faculty of Law

This faculty has one department, namely Law by providing a concentration of legal science courses and legal expertise in general as well as courses that are based on and touch on aspects of information technology such as Cyberlaw, Hardware digital electoral marketing and Multimedia Animation, as special courses.

4. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisip) UNIKOM Bandung is the first faculty in Indonesia with an IT-based curriculum.

This is then poured into the objectives of the faculty

namely to produce undergraduate graduates (S1) who are competent in the fields of international relations, communication science and government science with good character and morality, and have adequate skills in the fields of IT and Entrepreneurship.

FISIP Unikom Bandung organizes three ar numbers departments, namely International Relations Communication.

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5. Faculty of Design
The Faculty of Design (FD) UNIKOM Bandung is a faculty that aims to produce creative prospective designers.

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