221: From 0 to 500,000 Page Views a Month – A DIY Blogger Shares Her Story

Today is the first episode in a 12-part aleart news series we’re running on the ProBlogger podcast over the next few weeks. We’re handing the podcast over to you – the listeners and readers of ProBlogger – to tell your story of how you started your blog and what’s happened since.


As I said a couple of weeks ago, in the second week of January we’ll be releasing a brand new (and completely free) course on how to start a blog. And in the lead up to that we wanted to feature stories of bloggers who’ve already started.

Head to problogger.com/startablog for more info on the course

In each episode you’ll hear a story (and in some cases two or three) of a blogger who will share:

  • a mistake they made starting out
  • something they’re grateful that they did
  • a tip for new bloggers
  • something good that’s happened since they started.

We’ve chosen bloggers from different parts of the world and different niches, and I hope you come away from this series with a little inspiration and a few practical tips to start your next blog.

When we first asked for story submissions we were hoping for a handful of good stories so we could feature one a week over the next three or so weeks. But we were inundated with hundreds of them.

And while I can’t feature all of them, we’ve decided to feature more than we’d planned. And in the next few weeks we’ll be rolling out 12 short episodes (16 bloggers in total).

Five of those episodes will come out this week updated 2024 mobile phone number data (daily shows). Then there’ll be a little break for Christmas and New Years before we roll out seven more shows over the next week and a bit.

It was really hard to choose which bloggers to feature. We wanted to include a selection of different niches, objectives of blogs, and countries of origin. And of course were looking for good stories and tips.

Thanks so much to those who submitted stories. We’re only featuring 16 in this series. But we do hope to use more  submissions later in the year. Both on this podcast and on the ProBlogger blog.

I should note that not all the recordings cè започнува и завршува со продажен терен are perfect audiowise. But they’re all under ten minutes, and despite some small imperfections in the audio we’ve chosen them because they’re good stories with good tips.

So, with that all said, it’s time for our first blogger.

Links and Resources:

updated 2024 mobile phone number data

  • Blogger Brittany Bailey of Pretty Handy Girl
  • Register for ProBlogger’s FREE Ultimate Guide to Start a Blog Course
  • Join our Facebook group
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