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People look at the world through the prism of their own beliefs and experiences. Some see new problems in every day and stand still. Others do not dwell on trifles and confidently achieve their goals. The main difference between these two scenarios is not luck or innate talents, but the way of thinking.

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Today we will talk about systemic thinking – an approach that turns any sphere of life into a clear and manageable system. In the article we will talk about the benefits of systemic thinking. We will tell you about the rules with which you can develop it and effectively apply it in life.

What is systems thinking

The term “systemic thinking” means the ability to see connections between different objects and phenomena. It allows you to analyze them both individually and in a general system. This principle of thinking requires the ability to build logical chains. It is most often used in psychology, but it is also in demand in business, economics, and political science.

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Systemic Approach and Systemic Thinking as a Universal Competence of a Specialist and Manager” Vladimir Spivak claims that systemic thinking activates all types of memory: motor, visual, olfactory, auditory, emotional and tactile. People with this skill focus well and can switch attention from one object to another.

The Benefits of Systems Thinking

Systems thinking is a skill that brings many benefits in any field of activity. It is extremely useful not only for managers or creative people – everyone should be able to think systems. This skill helps :

  1. Create something new: Systems thinking is the path to innovation. It allows you to see non-obvious connections and opportunities to create something new .
  2. Predicting events: This skill allows you to anticipate future changes .
  3. Make informed decisions: When making decisions, a person considers not only current factors, but also their interactions and long-term consequences .


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  1. Filter information: Systems thinking simplifies the process of selecting and evaluating information, making it more accessible and understandable .
  2. Assimilate knowledge: With this skill, it is easier to understand and master any knowledge, with its help the intellectual horizon is expanded .
  3. Setting goals: Systems thinking helps you set clearer and more achievable goals, increasing your chances of achieving them .

Systems thinking and talent are a powerful combination. People with this combination of qualities open up many opportunities for themselves. They are goal-oriented, think outside the box, and are confident in their abilities. This helps them successfully realize their potential.

Four levels of systems thinking

Systems thinking can be divided into four levels. Let’s look at each of them in more detail:

Level 0: Intuitive

At this basic level, a person makes decisions based on intuition. He does not analyze the situation or predict the consequences. His decisions are spontaneous, and he rarely thinks about the reasons or possible outcomes of his actions.

Level 1: Structural

The first level is characterized by the ability to structure information. A person at this level can see cause-and-effect relationships, but mainly only in the area that is familiar to him. He is well oriented in known situations and can effectively work with data within the limits of his knowledge.

Level 2: Analytical

At the second level, a person begins to carefully understand the details, even if they go beyond the scope of his main activity. Such people are able to analyze various situations, look for non-standard solutions and alternative approaches to problems.

Level 3: Predictive

At this level, a person is able to anticipate future events and make plans based on them. At this stage, people can supplement and expand available information, make accurate forecasts, and adapt strategies to changing conditions.

Systems Thinking: Characteristics


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Systems thinking allows you to analyze reality in a broad context. It is an approach in which conclusions are based on the analysis of many details. Well-developed systems thinking is visible in a person’s reactions and behavior.

The main components of systems thinking include:

  1. Validity of inferences: thoughts are based on facts and data.‍
  2. Objectivity of assessment: people are free from bias and subjective assessments .
  3. Adequacy of perception: understanding of the situation corresponds to its true position .
  4. Logicality of conclusions: all conclusions are justified and consistent .
  5. Clarity of judgment: opinion is precise and clear.

Portrait of a person who has systemic thinking

There are several traits that characterize a person who thinks systematically. The main ones are:

Flexible consciousness

A person perceives and analyzes information very buy switzerland phone data quickly, effectively incorporating it into his picture of the world. He is able to adapt to new conditions and at the same time not lose focus on the main goals.

Realistic worldview

He chooses objectivity. He does not like distortions that arise from personal prejudices or erroneous perceptions. This helps a person make informed and accurate conclusions.

Independent thinking

A person who thinks systematically is able to defend ph numbers his point of view and does not succumb to the influence of others. He critically evaluates the information offered. In this way, he protects himself from manipulation and makes balanced decisions.

Ability to predict

He is able to foresee the actions and decisions of other people. He can assess their consequences.

Stress resistance

People feel comfortable in difficult situations that are unclear where they will lead. This allows them to calmly accept the inevitable in order to work effectively in a changing environment.

Analytical thinking

A person with systems thinking is able to formulate questions correctly that help to reveal new aspects of the problem. He can highlight key points in discussions and reorient conversations to necessary topics.

Search for patterns

He sees common patterns in behavior and events. This allows him to predict how situations will develop and develop the best solutions for each task.

Understanding mental models

Mental models are internal representations that people use to understand the world. A person with systems thinking is acutely aware of both their own thought processes and those of others. This allows them to better see the motives of others and predict their behavior.

When looking for a person for a leadership position, employers especially value the skills we listed above. People who have systems thinking are able to adapt to change, solve problems effectively, and foresee the consequences of their decisions.

Such people are well suited for leadership roles that require not only managing current tasks, but also  strategic planning for the future.

The best ways to develop systems thinking and how to apply it


Higher education can be an excellent basis for developing systemic thinking. Universities teach complex thinking. They study different disciplines within one specialty. This trains the brain to analyze and connect information from different sources.

However, in reality, things are not so simple. Universities often graduate specialists who require additional on-the-job training. Many graduates come to their first job not fully prepared for real professional tasks.

Read books

Reading books is one of the best ways to develop systemic thinking. No articles, videos, or audio recordings have the same profound impact. And the genre or type of literature does not matter. Fiction stimulates the imagination, and popular science expands knowledge.

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