About Who You Connect with

About who you connect with You’re not just connecting to one person; you’re connecting to . their entire network I see salespeople connect with the VP of Marketing or the CMO . but they don’t connect with anyone else in the business Connecting with everyone within your . target decision-makers team of all parts of the hierarchy and then spread out through the . organization Create and share useful content So you have a better profile and you’re growing .

Your Network on a Regular

Your network on a regular basis and you’re starting to portugal cell phone number list see results from that Content . is where you take it to the next level It might be scary trying to . figure out how to get it right But making my first cold call was scary . Knocking on my first door was scary Everything’s scary when you first do it Provide . value in your content Don’t just talk about your product; give value Share your stories .

Share Your Thoughts Share Your

Share your thoughts Share your insights One of the biggest tips I how to build your linkedin network manually gave at the . beginning of lockdown was Take a picture and share your home office working space What . equipment do you have? What space have you created? Use spaces When people send me . templates of posts they’re looking to share most of the time the first thing I . say is to stretch that post out and add more spaces; it’s easier to read .

and It Drives So Much

And it drives so much more engagement Share your  cmo email listown stories People want to know . your thoughts your experiences That’s what a personal brand is People buy from people Be . a human being and share that That’s how you get that buy-in That’s how you . build trust That’s how you build relationships Be creative Seriously get weird be different Here’s . an example I’m recording a mini-video series with two other folks But we’re going to .

Record It from Bed and

Record it from bed and they call it breakfast in bed That’s creative that stands . out No one’s doing that So try and find ways that you can be different . Find ways you can do stuff that’s unique to you and build a unique personal . brand Engage with industry-relevant content Find good posts to engage on If you’re posting on . content that’s not getting much engagement you won’t be seen So try and find popular .

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