Think about the first time you did a cold call or pitched Maybe it felt . a little awkward a little weird Maybe you weren’t really good at it Just like . everything else the more you do it the better you are going to get Take . 45 minutes a day block it out and then say “Hey I’m gonna create five . videos Five videos a day Five videos in 45 minutes” If you do that that’s .
Videos a Week That’s
Cideos a week That’s you 100 videos a month That complete cell phone number list will get you those . 10 responses Over time that response rate will improve because you’re going to get better . at delivering via video Don’t use a hard call to action A collaborative call to . action is more conversational less salesy and it’s easier to deliver That will help you . feel way more comfortable If I say “Hey are you interested in a deeper dialogue?” .
That’s an Easy Way to
That’s an easy way to lead into a bigger conversation Another softer this process can help you approach is a . collaborative CTA Something like “Hey I have a solution or service that can help you . so let’s collaborate together to solve your problem or whatever goal you’re trying to accomplish” . This makes it feel more like a team approach than someone trying to hard-sell you . something which will turn a lot of leads away Use the 10-30-10 formula Now let’s .
Talk About the Format of
Talk about the format of your videos In the first 10 seconds cmo email list you need to . get this person’s attention Focus on triggers or a problem Maybe you’ve gone to their . website and see they have a product update so they’re going to need help marketing . that Or they are acquiring another business and will need help combining teams That’s your . trigger to grab their attention Next is your value proposition which should last 20 to .
30 Seconds Take the Value
30 seconds Take the value proposition you use in your cold call and insert it . here It’s really plug-and-play don’t overthink this one make it happen reaction Then the last . 10 seconds is the call to action Remember the call to action will change — . this isn’t your standard cold call or hard sell CTA The call to action that . Morgan recommends using is “If you feel like this is relevant and you’re interested in .