Focus on sending money or domestic remittances. airtime top-ups. utility payments. and in some cases loan payments. Only one solution already offers the contracting of micro-insurance and micro-payments. Although this service can be consider part of the next version of mobile platforms. The same is true for micro-savings and micro-crits. which can lead to the popularization of the use of this type of technology. In addition to having services available that today only Internet banking users have (Internet banking is only. Us by about 4.5 million people in Mexico. according to the AMIPCI study. On the use of banking [2]). but the adoption of mobile payments should not only represent a decrease in transaction costs for users. it is essential that it leads to greater control.
The use of mobile platforms also has great
potential in e-commerce. which has not yet taken costa rica phone number data off as expect in Mexico. Since only 20% of the population that uses the Internet makes purchase transactions. compar to 19% that makes. Transactions with banks [3]. In the case of e-commerce transactions. most operations that are not made with card payment. Consider manual activities (such as printing and sending receipts to the merchant) within their purchase process.
Mobile payment platforms can revolutionize
The entire retail or small business sector. which today are losing ground every year to large chains and even disappearing. With the development of platforms such as Pademobile or Gestopago. these “corner stores. Have been able to offer services that would otherwise be unthinkable due to their high costs. Being able to offer loyalty programs to their customers. for which these businesses will have to overcome paradigms and belgium business directory begin to generate blocks by neighborhood or population. can mean facing the competition they face today. For the adoption and use of some of these products. no development is requir. and in some cases. having only a cell phone with access to SMS services can begin to use these services. although it is also true that the quantity and accessibility america phone number to products and services will increase as you have a Smartphone or a tablet in these stores. It is important to remember that in Mexico and Latin American countries. 91% of consumer transactions are still carri out in cash. and the spe of substitution of cash for cards is only 1% annually.