In email marketing, copywriting or writing . Advertising texts is essential to achieve good results. The way you write your emails will . Depend on your audience and you will determine it based on market research and good . Segmentation. There are some generalities when writing an email marketing campaign: speak in the second .
Person so that the protagonist of the conversation
Is the user, use simple shareholder data vocabulary, avoid . Using genres as much as possible and incorporate regionalisms or slangs specific to the market . To which you are writing. These rules have to remain when you write a christmas . Email. We recommend using popular phrases or christmas carol verses. For example: rudolph the reindeer .
Would be happy to… or the shepherds run
To bethlehem… with our tennis however the speed of growth of smartphones shoes? Take . Advantage of the time the christmas season represents a short period of time, so two . Mental and emotional triggers can be used: urgency and scarcity. These two concepts may seem . Similar but they are different. Urgency refers to a person’s need to buy the product .
Or service at that precise moment because it
Will help solve their pain or changsha mobile phone number list problem. While scarcity refers to the limited existence of the product or time and therefore the . Product or service has to be purchased at that precise moment. For example, scarcity can . Be implemented in christmas sales such as: there are hours left to take advantage of . The sale or only gift cards left for christmas.
While urgency can be implemented in phrases
Like you have to buy this product right now if you want to make . Your family happy this christmas. Learn more about how to use the feeling of urgency . And scarcity in your emails in our articles: tips to create the feeling of scarcity . In your marketing campaigns and basic guide to mental triggers for copywriting.