Psychology experts agree that at christmas emotions are experienced

With great intensity and on many . Occasions there is a contrast between positive and negative emotions that can leave people emotionally . Exhausted. If you intend to write an email marketing campaign for christmas, it is necessary . To be emotional, but not encourage any type of emotions, since this can be counterproductive . If not done properly.

In an email it is recommended to appeal

To positive emotions . Such skype data as happiness, desire, joy, excitement and nostalgia, but not to negative emotions such as . Sadness, jealousy or anger. Well, what is sought is for the user, when thinking about . The brand at christmas time, to link it with virtuous elements. Tell a story in . A report that quotes psychologist jerome brunner, it is pointed out that the human mind .

Is 1 more likely to remember facts if

They are part of a story. From . This, storytelling so far, most mobile payment solutions have has been developed in marketing, which refers to the art of telling stories . That allow you to connect with people and position a brand or product in the . Process. For a christmas marketing campaign, storytelling plays a leading role, since it allows in .

A better way to awaken emotions and feelings

In the people who read the changsha mobile phone number list advertising. Which helps to reinforce the first resource that we mention in this article. For this . Reason, its use is recommended in email campaigns for christmas, by writing motivational stories or . Memories that allow for generating links between the prospect and the brand. Learn more about . This concept in our article: storytelling in a mailing campaign.

Storytelling does not have to refer to

The creation of a long literary text, it is enough to design a . Narrative in which our brand can be one of the protagonists, but above all where . The potential client can identify. For example, about traditions, rituals or anecdotes that happen during . These holidays. Find your voice it’s not just enough to tell stories, you also need .

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