An email open rate of 20% to 30% is considered normal. In reality, this figure means that 70% to 80% of customers are lost to us.
Fortunately, marketers have not resigned themselves to this situation and are constantly looking for ways to reach a larger audience. The greatest minds are trying to understand consumer behavior and predict their choices, inventing new methods of influence.
How to increase open rate, clickability and conversion? How to persuade a person to buy even before he realizes the need for it? Neuromarketers tried to find answers to these questions.
By studying people’s reactions to certain stimuli, they came to the conclusion that 93% of actions are performed unconsciously and only 7% consciously.
This happens because information enters our brain refracted through feelings.
Neuromarketing predicts behavior patterns based on the 5 human senses: sight, hearing, sensation, smell, and taste. According to research, we are able to remember:
35% of what we feel,
15% of what we try,
5% of what we see,
2% of what we hear.
Thus, we will be more influenced by the event whatsapp number database that is perceived with a greater number of senses.
How to use this when writing letters? In this article, you will learn what methods to use to make customers wait for your newsletters, read them, and buy your product.
Techniques aimed at the subconscious
Under the influence of images and pictures created by advertising, we make decisions, subsequently perceiving them as our own. In the case of email marketing, the path to the buyer’s wallet is paved through visual perception. Less often – auditory.
The goal of any marketing action is to convince a person to buy a certain product by satisfying his needs. Show the buyer the way to solve his what is the purpose of sending newsletters? problems. Neuromarketing additionally stimulates a person to make a purchase at the subconscious level. Of course, with the use of some manipulations.
For example, a good incentive to buy is to make your loved ones happy. People tend to care about someone, and a well-chosen gift brings more joy to the giver. Pet stores have learned this well and create an image of a happy pet in their mailings.
If you buy their products.
happy pets
Manipulation of values. Happy children, parents and grandmothers, cute kittens and puppies – no one will remain indifferent to such pictures. The desire to be happy and rich has possessed people since the creation of the world. And today they have not lost their significance.
These values are called eternal because people uae phone number will always strive for love, prosperity, a beautiful and happy life. Therefore, mailings with an emphasis on such human desires will be perceived positively.
When your product starts to be associated with consumers’ innermost dreams, they will start buying it to gain at least a little happiness. Give your subscribers hope for a better life and the path to its implementation. And count how much your income has grown.)