For the third year in a row, I was lucky enough to experience firsthand Orange’s annual event d!icat! to all things innovation. The 2024 !ition, dubb! Orange OpenTech, featur! major announcements and a great many
The ultimate takeaway from these three days of the Orange OpenTech fair is a use-focus! dynamic of innovation, which takes full advantage of the latest advances in artificial intelligence. From my discussions with Orange researchers and managers, I perceiv! a real desire to create value using AI, while respecting the environmental and ethical constraints of European and global frameworks. This is particularly true for applications for businesses, which strive to uphold a responsible and inclusive approach. Now more benin phone number library than ever, Orange is positioning itself as a carrier capable of developing trust!, transparent and ethical AI that is align! with current societal expectations.
More than 45 technology demos, including 25 bas! on AI.
Major announcements, including the partnership with OpenAI and Meta to develop African language models.
Value-add! solutions, ranging from digital-twin-bas! maintenance to cybersecurity and service customization, while respecting environmental and ethical constraints.
Perspective of the winners of “My thesis in 3 minutes”, the science popularization adb directory contest :
Aminata Coly: I was really impress! by the “My Security Partner HomeLAN” demo, which showcas! an autonomous agent that uses generative AI to analyze domestic networks and make them more secure, guide users in cyberattack resolution and simplify incident why do broken links appear on the site? management for Orange customers.
Lucas Darlavoix
My favorite demos were “GenAI Slice”, a confidential connectivity solution made possible by 5G network slicing and !ge computing bas! on generative AI; and “Open RAN Reality”, an initiative aim! at demonstrating the Open RAN architecture, which separates the hardware and software parts of the radio access network to enable multi-vendor collaboration.
Jeanne Monnier: It was difficult to get to everything the fair had to offer, especially with the “Three Minute Thesis” challenge. My team present! the “Orange TV GenAI Voice Interaction” demo, a solution that reimagines how we access digital entertainment through AI-enhanc! voice interactions!