Brands that have used emojis

  Steve Jobs managed to achieve the feat of making the same action turn into two  different buzz  buttons . Let me explain:

Jobs developed a unique technique for public speaking. At the end of each conference or announcement, he would turn around as if he were about to leave the stage, then suddenly stop.

He slowly walked back to the front of the stage and said, “One more thing…”, as if he had forgotten to say something.

The first time he did that was in 1998, during  Mac World SF , when he announced that  Apple  had returned to making profits for its shareholders after several years of crisis.

On that occasion, the shock button was activated and the issue won fans who were not expecting such an announcement.

With the pattern being repeated at other events, with even bigger announcements (like the creation of the  iMacG4,  or  iPod Mini  or the  MacBook Pro ), Apple fans began to anxiously await the “One More Thing” of each presentation.

In this way, the secret button was activated in advance and in the period leading up to their presentations it was accompanied by hundreds of articles in specialized blogs and thousands of comments from fans   trying to guess what the big announcement of the moment would be.

In this way, a single phrase was able to activate the different Buzz  buttons  and ensure that Apple was always in the news among technology fans.

That was part of the magic of Steve Jobs and his incredible ability to communicate with the public.

“O Boticário”: using the taboo to your advantage.

You’ve probably heard about this success story, as it happened recently.

In 2015, “O Boticário” launched an advertisement egypt mobile database on Valentine’s Day that created a lot of buzz. The reason?

The advertisements showed heterosexual and homosexual couples exchanging gifts to celebrate the occasion.

Taking advantage of the taboo surrounding homosexuality in his country, “O Boticário” sparked a huge discussion on the subject. As is traditional with the taboo button, society was divided into two sides that “argued” on the Internet and in the streets about the issue.

The discussion even turned into a kind of competition in the official  YouTube video of the advertisement.  Those who were in favor of the campaign gave  likes  and those who were against gave  dislikes.

The result: more than 580,830 participations, with more than 66% of people supporting the action and 34% being against it.

The “ O Boticário” campaign itself ended up being awarded the  Grand Effie ,  the main category of the  Effie Wards Brazil 2015.

And the consumer public also rewarded the campaign: in a year in which the retail sector in general saw a 5% drop in sales, “O Boticário” managed to  record a 3% increase in its market performance.

All of this serves to demonstrate how powerful Buzz Marketing is  .

 A simple commercial was able to activate people’s buzz buttons very well  (especially the taboo one) and spread the company’s message quite well.

In addition, a large part of society supported the campaign and ended up taking commercial action (buying the company’s products) to demonstrate their support.

JJ Abrams: When silence creates buzz.

At the end of 2012, Disney surprised the agood idea to connect with the user world by announcing the acquisition of  Lucasfilm  for $4 billion.

For those who don’t know, Lucasfilm is the name of the company created by George Lucas and holder of the rights to franchises such as  Indiana Jones  and  Star Wars .

On this occasion, Mickey  ‘s house  took the opportunity to announce a new  Star Wars trilogy,  with its first film, “Episode VII,” premiering in theaters in 2015.

This topic was able to generate a tremendous  buzz  on social media. By activating three buttons at once (the shock, the extraordinary and the unusual), Disney became the topic of the year on that occasion.

However, the company did less: it hired JJ Abrams to direct “Episode VII”

As everyone wanted more information about “Episode VII,” JJ Abrams did what he did best: he stayed quiet.

In this way, he activated the secrecy button in the best-kept mystery in Hollywood in recent years. Who will be the actors? Who will be the protagonists? What is the plot of “Episode VII”?

So much secrecy paid off: the second trailer for the film was the most viewed in history at the time and the feature film broke box office records with 2 billion dollars raised worldwide, the largest box office in the US in history and the third largest on the planet.

Summary and conclusion: what did we learn today?

In today’s article we learned that:


  • A single campaign can (and should) eu phone number activate more than one button at the same time;
  • Buzz  Marketing  can bring incredible results for whoever uses it.

As you can see,  Buzz Marketing  is a very powerful tool if it is in the hands of a talented team.

Were you impressed by the power that such a technique can have on your brand image?

So, how about we continue studying the subject? Read our  article on  Branding  and learn how to do good brand management for your company!Reading time: minutes

Hello to all of our friends at Rock Content, today we are here to talk about a very fun topic that is present in our daily lives on digital devices. We always try to convey our feelings or activities through these media to share them with all of our friends and contacts. What better way to do this than through emoticons or emojis : those funny little faces that are often clearer than words themselves and that help tell a story with just one emoji.

Emojis appeared in the digital world with the implementation of new formats proposed by Facebook and WhatsApp, and the latter took over the theme, allowing the creation of many more: not only emoticons as we like to know them, but now there are an infinite number of possibilities. You can practically tell whatever you did, do or will do without having to write a lot or use long voice notes.

We all use them, but do we really know how to implement them in a content strategy?

How to use emojis in marketing and why use them?

Let’s start by saying that it’s more fun to read short content with emojis that support the story or, better yet, help build it.. Here is the first reason to do it.


And let’s pause for a moment to consider this last brand that has used emoticons or emojis as a key tool in a digital advertising campaign.

Without a doubt, it was a brilliant idea that took advantage of a key day and emojis to create a campaign that had an impact that went viral on social media worldwide.

Watch the video of his campaign here

Tips for using emojis correctly

They forget that emojis have more potential than one might think and that, while they can successfully complement content, they can also contradict it or lose the clarity of the message.

This call is for community managers: remember that it is not you who are speaking, it is the brands, so do not damage the reputation by using emojis that have nothing to do with the context, nor damage your reputation, as you can lose your job.

A fear that plagues modern marketers is the misuse of these symbols,

so we invite you to keep up to date with their use and meanings.

This emojipedia will allow you to select the category you want; transportation, food, countries, nature, etc. and thus you will be able to discover its real meaning, so that you use it appropriately in your next posts and not only get more interactions, but really hook the reader and make them want to follow your account, due to the use you give it and the accurate content you transmit, giving personality to a purely textual content helping you with the famous emojis, which allow you to identify what you want to transmit, creating an interactive experience giving it a cheerful and informal tone, as long as the content is clear and the emoji is appropriate.

Don’t forget to follow us so that you continue receiving

All the information you need. Remember to use these tips that we give you, since now that you know how to use emojis, you will be able to get more out of these fun emoticons by using them in all media; your stories, tweets and posts.

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