Buzz marketing strategies

Most of the time, all a brand wants is  to be in people’s mouths , being talked about. If you’re looking for a way to get that for your company, we have the answer in two words:  Buzz Marketing.

This branch of  marketing  specializes in getting people (the consumer public) to talk and comment about a company’s brand, generating that buzz that is accompanied by a large number of sales.

It is possible to place your company as the topic of the week, on the streets or social networks, by applying some techniques that we are going to learn about in today’s post.

So, read on!

What is Buzz Marketing and where did it originate?

Imagine what life was like in a circus many decades ago. Without the internet or television to publicise their activities, circus professionals had a hard time ensuring that the city was aware that they had arrived.

For this reason, it was customary for circuses to promote a  publicity stunt  on the streets, doing some tricks and free displays, so that people would know they were in town.

Always, after a performance like that, the tickets for the show quickly sold out.

In a way, that is the origin of the essence of  Buzz Marketing.

In a nutshell, we can define  Buzz Marketing   as the set of techniques that will make people talk about your brand. It is, in a way, creating engagement.

In the case of the circuses of the past, they would perform acts and tricks in the streets so that people would comment to each other that the artists were in town and how impressive their skills were.

After the first show, news spread quickly and soon the entire city would gather to see the show.

Buzz Marketing  is generally  focused on two different types of audiences: pioneers and  early adopters.

The idea is simple: since these two types of consumers are the most interested in new and innovative products, or are more willing to give a chance to companies they don’t know, they are the most suitable to be the first customers of a brand.

Once they have won over their customers, they will then  initiate discussions with other people,  helping the brand to become increasingly well-known and guaranteeing customers who will follow them.

What is the difference between  Buzz Marketing and Viral Marketing ?

You must be thinking that you already know all that talk about “getting people talking” about the brand. “It’s just going viral,” right?

Not really.  Buzz Marketing  and  Viral Marketing  are concepts that may seem similar at first glance, but are very different when we analyze them in more depth.

The main characteristic of  Viral Marketing   is to build a message that is easy to share and that is passed from one person to another, like a virus.

The goal of  Viral Marketing  is to expand as much as possible and reach a large number of people.

Buzz Marketing,  on the other hand,   does not want to reach people in any way. It does not want them to just know that the company exists.

The goal here is to get people  talking about your brand , rather than just acknowledging its existence.

That is why a  Buzz Marketing  strategy will require a different construction than a  Viral Marketing strategy, since it aims to capture the public and keep them entertained by talking about the brand.

To learn more, read our  article on  Viral Marketing !

Steps for effective buzz marketing

Buzz marketing is the result of successful viral actions. For a campaign to become viral, it is essential that some points are considered:

  • Conduct an audience analysis

Knowing who you are sending the message to is essential for it to go viral.

  • Consider exclusivity as your best friend

Here you need to consider creativity. That is, repeating a viral video does not work and should not be prioritized.

  • Generate a “why”

Viral campaigns must have a meaning, be it emotional, funny, relevant, serious, etc.

  • Take care of the content

Adding value by offering rich content is essential for a campaign to go viral. In this sense, creating a clear message should be a priority.

  • Disseminate and analyze

Using social media, emails and other ways to contact customers is important, but you should also consider evaluating the results.

1. Turn your idea into a viral 

The first step for anyone who wants to carry out a campaign and make it a powerful viral message is to have a creative and unique idea. The message needs to be well crafted, with clear ideas that are valuable to the target audience. Thus, this set of characteristics will make people feel identified with the content as soon as they find out about the campaign.

A good alternative is to work correctly on the use of keywords. Regarding this SEO technique, it is important that you include the keywords in the main message of the viral. It is worth adding  keywords  that are currently widely used.

2. Generate content and give meaning to the viral 

After having a great idea and working on some SEO techniques, it is important to create good content and, before taking any action, think carefully about the meaning of the message. So, it is worth asking yourself: what do you want to generate? Fear, laughter, tears, fright, nostalgia or shock?

It is good to spend time so that this idea and subsequent content is well structured and forces the public to feel the desired sensation,

3. Spread the viral 

The central idea of ​​a viral campaign is that it is properly created and then the “snowball” starts to spread by itself, that is, people share it a lot. The Internet offers various ways to spread an idea, including tremendous opportunities at zero cost (or something close to that).

In order for the campaign to generate the ecuador mobile database desired effects, it is essential to use social media intelligently. In this way, it is great to include the viral on networks such as Facebook and Instagram. It is also smart to make use of other media such as blogs, YouTube, Flickr, Twitter, emails, etc.

By having  communication channels  and networks that are in line with the target audience, it is possible for people to share that content in an incredible way, thus giving your campaign the virality it deserves.

6 principles you can never forget

Viral Marketing should be done considering:

  1. The free distribution of services and products with value.
  1. Enables you to send content to other people.
  1. It is scalable, meaning it can be very small and become large.
  1. Explore behaviors and motivations
  1. Use existing communication networks.
  1. Take advantage of third-party networks.

The importance of monitoring the results of the campaign and ensuring that it is truly considered viral should not be overlooked. For this purpose, it is ideal to use specific tools for the online medium.

What are the main  ?

Most people think that what becomes a topic on social media, at bar tables or on the street is completely random. One week, we can be commenting on Microsoft announcing the death and resurrection of Paint and the next week we can be commenting on the new season of Games of Thrones or the new clip of Anitta.

However, what most people don’t realize is that there is a science behind these topics that captivate people and generate discussion, aka, buzz.

Publicist Mark Hughes analyzed this issue in depth and published the book  Buzzmarketing , one of the greatest bibles on this technique.

In his work, Hughes finds that it is possible to constantly schedule people’s discussions in their homes, and that smart companies will know how to take advantage of that.

Hughes writes that there are six types of issues that function as a kind of “buzz buttons” that, when activated, ensure that people become interested in and discuss something.

If a marketing  campaign  activates one or more of those six buttons, it will generate quite a bit of conversation on social media and on the streets. Here are what they are:

The six buttons of the  Buzz .

Mark Hughes describes them as the six buttons of  Buzz Marketing:

  • the taboo;
  • the unusual;
  • extraordinary;
  • shocking;
  • hilarious;
  • the secret.

Each of those buttons triggers a little “itch” in our brain, making it nearly impossible for us not to talk about it.

Taboo  is the button that is activated when our campaign  talks about something forbidden. The concept of forbidden here is not related to illegal issues but controversial issues, which allow people to choose sides and debate.

The shock  button  is perhaps the most common buzz  button  of all. Anything that shocks us, from any point of view, generates comments. The more shocking, the more  buzz.

It’s no wonder that there is a huge amount the year a special new year’s gift of discussion before the release of big movies, for example.

Buzz Marketing Examples  : Success Stories to Inspire Us

You’re getting everything so far, aren’t you?

We have selected 3 great examples of  Buzz Marketing  in different areas (technology, entertainment and cosmetics) to analyze. Let’s go!

Steve Jobs: How does  buzz  boost a company?

It is difficult to talk about Buzz Marketing eu phone number without mentioning one of the great masters of that area: Steve Jobs, founder and CEO of Apple for many years.

He was so good at this technique that his followers would get excited whenever he finished one of his lectures and said his famous phrase “One more thing…”. Everyone knew that something incredible was about to come.

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