Going on a language stay or summer camp is Developing your a great opportunity for children and teenagers to have fun, discover new cultures or improve their language skills. But did you know that these experiences can also play a beneficial role in developing their psychosocial skills?
Indeed, during a stay, young people are Developing your confronted with situations that push them out of their comfort zone and develop skills essential to their personal and social development. But what exactly are we talking about and how can youth stays help develop these skills? We explain it to you in more detail in this article!
What are psychosocial skills?
In its overall definition, WHO refers to psychosocial skills as “the ability of a person to cope effectively with the demands and challenges of daily life. It is the capacity of a person to maintain a state of psychological well-being and to demonstrate it through appropriate and positive behaviour in interactions with others, their culture and their environment.”
Public Health France highlights 3 main categories of psychosocial skills:
Cognitive skills
Self-awareness: Identifying japan phone number library strengths, weaknesses, emotions, and thoughts.
Self-control: Managing emotions, behaviors, and impulses.
Decision-making: Analyzing situations, evaluating options, and making constructive choices.
Emotional skills:
Emotional awareness: identifying, understanding and naming your emotions.
Emotion regulation: managing your visual content is a powerful magnet emotions in a healthy and constructive way.
Stress management: identifying sources of stress and developing coping strategies.
Developing empathy and knowing how to put yourself in other people’s shoes
Social skills
Constructive Communication: Expressing afb directory ideas, needs, and feelings clearly and assertively.
Developing Healthy Relationships: Establishing and maintaining positive relationships with others.
Problem Solving: Identifying problems, generating solutions, and making mutually acceptable decisions.
In summary, the overall challenge of developing these skills is self-acceptance, acceptance of differences with others and the ability to interact positively with one’s environment. During a stay, these skills are essential so that young people can feel good about themselves and others, cooperate and create moments that allow them to live together.