How to force yourself to tidy up your subscriber base?

A marketer’s bright dream is to have an infinite number of subscribers. But a large base can become a source of even greater troubles if you do not regularly tidy up your email lists and remove “dead souls”.

Remember when the database was last cleaned. 1-2 years ago or never? Then you are wasting most of your marketing efforts and money.

According to various sources, 22% to 35% of subscribers die each year. Now calculate how many invalid addresses will accumulate

If they are not systematically excluded from the lists.

Main reasons for deleting subscribers from the database
A dirty base is the most common reason for sending mailings to spam. According to statistics, this happens in 70% of cases. In response to requests to get a mailing out of spam, mail providers require tidying up the base.

Response from the mail service support service dataset about the need to clean the subscriber base

Ultimately, you will still have to adjust your email lists. But cleaning out the Augean stables is much more difficult than regular cleaning. At this time, your mailing plan is disrupted, you do not notify customers about new promotions and lose income.

The larger and older the subscriber list, the more significant the damage from it.

Don’t focus on the size of your list. Instead, focus on how many active customers are on your list – those who open your emails, click on links, and make purchases.

It is better to collect 3,000 addresses with an open rate of more than 50% than 30,000 and rates tending to zero. First of all, evaluate the engagement of subscribers. If customers respond to letters and perform the necessary actions – follow links, make purchases. This means the database contains live addresses.

When subscribers stop reading your newsletters, mail the mia then interview all the candidates providers will classify you as a spammer. Even if the client did not click the spam button, over time all your letters will end up in this folder. You will start losing your reputation. When it reaches a critical level, mail services will blacklist you.

Analyze how subscribers responded to your latest newsletters. If there is a downward trend in open and click rates, you have a problem.

Decrease in email open and click rates

Check the unsubscribe and spam complaint rates. If these rates increase, it means that your database needs to be cleaned urgently.

Unsubscribes and SPAM complaints based uae phone number on the results of mailing in the service

Who to remove first
Clean your subscriber lists from the moment they are added to the database. Don’t wait until problems arise. Make sure all addresses are correct. Broken emails will constantly ruin your life and statistics.


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