Hard work, respect for managers and the team, responsibility are integral elements of the Eastern business culture. The combination of traditional Asian values and Western business methods increases the efficiency of the team many times over – test by large international companies. We will tell you how to be passionate about your business and find a balance between work and life, following Eastern philosophy.
The Influence of Asian Culture on the Western Market
In the second half of the 20th century, a number of Eastern countries loudly declar themselves on the Western market. At that time, the economies of Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan began to grow rapidly. Their companies confidently enter the complex markets of automobiles, technology, telecommunications and compet with top Western brands.
The West itself saw the merit of Eastern culture in country email list this breakthrough: people in the East are distinguish by their increas diligence, respectful attitude towards elders (and therefore management), and work closely together in a team. If traditional Asian values are integrat into Western business methods, it will be possible to ruce costs and create a respectful, safe atmosphere at work.
Although many aspects of Eastern culture are known in Russia, domestic businesses do not widely use them. However, it is worth experimenting. Perhaps this is exactly what your business lacks for impressive results.
We have collect 4 Eastern methods, the effectiveness of which has been test by large companies. We will tell you how to implement them in your work and life.
Toyota, Phillips and Nestle embrace Kaizen philosophy
Japanese industrial companies us this method after how to use backlinks in obsidian World War II. In 1986, Masaaki Imai’s book “Kaizen: The Key to Success for Japanese Companies” was publish, and the philosophy became known in the West. The kaizen approach is about constantly achieving the ideal, continuously improving current processes.
The Teachings of Confucius: The Basics of Communication at Home and Work
The system of moral and ethical dogmas that make up the philosophy of Confucius became the foundation for the formation of Chinese culture and cmo email list greatly influenc Asia as a whole. The ideas of Confucianism can be ruc to three main categories:
- human relationships at all levels: in marriage, family, work;
- virtues that enable people to coexist harmoniously in one society;
- social responsibility.
The concept of the life path, “dao”, plays an important role in the teachings of the Chinese thinker. First of all, it presupposes the improvement of a person throughout his entire life, right up to old age.