In the pop-up menu that appears

On the desktop
Just like on the Android app, tap the hamburger menu in the top left corner of the Telegram desktop app.

In the menu that appears, click on the “Contacts” option.

Then tap on the name of the contact you want to delete to open a chat with them.

Once the chat opens, click on the three dots at the top and then on the “View Profile” option.

, click Delete Contact.


Then click the Delete button again to confirm the deletion. You will have to repeat these steps for each contact you want to delete, as you cannot delete multiple contacts at once when using the desktop or web app.


Disable Contact Syncing in Telegram

You can disable contact syncing in Telegram so that it doesn’t automatically add new contacts on Android and iOS.

On Android
In the Telegram app, tap the country email list hamburger menu and then select Settings.

On the Settings page, click “Privacy & Security”.


Then scroll down to the Contacts section and tap the Sync Contacts button to turn it off.


On iOS
Open Settings in the bottom right corner, then go to the Privacy & Security page.

Scroll down and go to Data Settings


Click the Sync Contacts button to turn it off.


What you need to know In the pop
You can get rid of unknown here’s what amazon charges for delivery for prime and non-prime members contacts that appear when you log into your Telegram account on another device by deleting them.
When you delete a contact from Telegram, it will be deleted from all your devices that have the app installed.
Contact syncing is enabled by default when you first sign into Telegram on any device, so all contacts on that device are added to your account.

You can also remove previously synced contacts by turning off contact syncing

The method described here allows you to change the default system font, which means the new font will be visible throughout the OS.
You can also try out fonts other search engine optimization mails than those in the Windows font library by downloading them from the Internet.
Many programs have their own settings that allow users to customize their fonts in that program independently of the default system font.
On the other hand, you can also use Windows fonts in certain applications if they support them.

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