For many companies, the summer vacation period is considered a lull, which is best to wait out quietly. And first of all, customer relations suffer from this, they are postponed “until better times”. This is what most organizations do, for whom the summer is “off-season”.
But you have every chance to survive the summer season with benefit – to breathe new life into email campaigns and your business.
And there are several reasons for this:
1) Summer is the perfect time to strengthen relationships with your customers. You simply have time to communicate with them.
2) Like any other season, summer can be a time to find opportunities to increase sales. Take advantage of them while your competitors shop are quietly waiting out the “dead season”.
3) People don’t think about saving money on vacation. People usually spend more during vacation than in other seasons. Think about how to use this for your business.
What other reasons exist for summer newsletters and how to make them memorable, different from competitors and attract traffic to your site, read in the article.
Where to find interesting reasons for summer newsletters?
If there are few big holidays, interesting topics or big events in the summer, you can come up with them yourself. For example, Good Mood Day or Summer 10 best tools for generating leads Rain Day. But first, use the holiday calendar. There you will find many good reasons for mailings.
For example, July 23 is celebrated as two holidays at once – World Whale and Dolphin Day and Summer Resident Day. With a lot of imagination, you can drag Revolution Day in Egypt or the Hot Air Balloon Festival in New Jersey into your brand. And such “holidays” exist every day.
On June 1st, you don’t have to come uae phone number up with anything yourself. Summer begins with a wonderful holiday that is celebrated all over the world – Children’s Day.
The Allo store has offered discounts on products that will be interesting for children of any age for this date.
Online supermarket Rozetka has arranged a sale in honor of the new season. In letters from June 1, it announces: “The first summer discounts up to 50%. Start the new season profitably.” Discounts are offered for any category of goods.