Our recent webinar but I strongly recommend you watch the full webinar recap cause there . is a ton of great information for how to do social selling right — and . even cold calling right Note Ready to connect with high-quality leads on social media? You . can try Leadfeeder free for 14 days here to see which companies visit your website . and target the right accounts who will love your product 5 social selling mistakes the .
Worst Sellers Make Some People
Worst sellers make Some people don’t fully understand ireland cell phone number list why social selling matters or why LinkedIn . is important as a sales tool Here’s the deal every single one of your prospects . every single one of your customers has a different preference For some people the only . way you will ever get through to them is by picking up the phone A . lot of people aren’t going to answer your cold calls I actually talked to a .
Decision-Maker from a Manufacturing Company
Decision-maker from a manufacturing company with a few million-pound corporate tax liability refers to turnover each year they do take . cold calls Period But they spend a few hours on LinkedIn in the morning two . hours on LinkedIn in the evening that’s where you are going to reach them That’s . where social selling is going to be most effective But before we dive into how . to do social selling right I want to cover what most people are doing wrong .
These Are the Most Common
These are the most common mistakes that sellers make Terrible cmo email list Linkedin profiles One of the . biggest mistakes companies and sellers make is having a terrible disorganized LinkedIn profile They are . missing information or they are so focused on how great they are at selling that . they totally forget that this is a social platform Their profile makes it really difficult . to understand what it is they actually sell what problems they solve and who they .
Help Not Sharing Good Content
Help Not sharing good content Most salespeople just re-share the company’s posts and usually it’s . because marketing has told them to You can’t really blame salespeople for this but when . you look at their feed it is just a blind re-share of the company’s blog . It’s not getting good engagement it’s not generating opportunities it’s not growing their personal brand . Sending pitchy Linkedin messages How many times have you gotten those terrible pitchy LinkedIn messages .