Pages with only one incoming internal link

The problem: Internal links tell search engines which pages are important. So the more incoming internal links a page has, the easier it is for search engines to find and rank it.

Orphan pages and those with only one internal link pointing to them are harder to find. And search engines are likely to consider them less important.

How to fix:

The Site Audit tool helps you find whatsapp lead pages with only one internal link.

Go to your internal links report and look for the “Pages with only one internal link” error under the “Notices” section.

Look for related pages on your site, then add links to pages with few internal links.

Find and fix external link errors

with the Site Audit Tool

6. Crawl depth of more than three clicks

The problem: Crawl depth refers to the number of clicks it takes to reach a page on your site from the home page.

If it takes several clicks to reach a page, search engines may determine that the page is not very important.

According to Google , pages with less crawl depth tend to rank higher in search results.

How to fix it:

Pages with more than three clicks will appear in your Site Audit ‘s Internal Links report .

Find them by clicking the ” #issues ” button next to the notice that says: “Page Crawl Depth more than 3 clicks”.

Then, add links to these restart the windows explorer process pages (ideally from other pages that are just a click away from your home page) so that visitors and search engines can access them more easily.

Find and fix sitemap issues

with the Site Audit Tool

7. Internal redirects

The problem: Passing internal links through permanent redirects can reduce your crawl budget , especially for larger sites. (Crawl budget is the number of pages Google will crawl on your site in a given time frame.)

Let’s say you redirect an old page to a new one. Other pages on your site can still link to the old page. Users will click on your old link and then be redirected to the new location.

This additional redirection is not necessary.

This is what it looks like now:

Internal redirects also slow down page load times, which negatively impacts user experience (and PageSpeed ).

How to fix it: Update internal links to america email list send users and search engines directly to the new page.

To find internal redirects, head to your Site Audit tool and go to the ” Crawled Pages ” tab .

Next, search for your old URL in the search bar.

Click on the URL in the table below the search bar. Then click on ” # URLs ” under “Incoming Internal Links.”

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