Coined by Patrick Debois in 2009 for a technology

event call DevOpsDays in Belgium, the term DevOps has no formal definition. This generates a set of definitions that enrich the scope and characteristics of the concept. DevOps is not software, it is not a title/position, it is not a standard.

In the case of continuous requests for the resolution


Of new functionalities or incidents in the code with a limit czech republic phone number data workflow, Kanban is implement. Kanban uses the theory of constraints on work in progress (WIP). This provides the tools so that, regardless of the area involv, the work is handl quickly and is seen as a whole and not as silos of functionality in systems.

Wide availability of cloud virtualization

If continuous releases alter the operation in the Infrastructure area, the administration, testing and configuration of the new product in the Production environment becomes complex, since the implementation times and the respective work environments must comply with the product requirements for its operation (e.g. the Development environment is never the same as the Production environment). The complexity of this is resolv with the virtualization of environments, which can be creat and attend to in such a fast way that it goes hand in hand with the deliveries of the Development area. In addition to using virtual belgium business directory machines, the use of containers, such as Docker, is also becoming popular. If you are working with a new development, you must america phone number prepare all the relat elements of the environment at the same time, tests, version control etc.

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