How To Find An Account by Phone Number on Instagram

The fastest and easiest way to find a friend on Instagram is by typing their username into the search bar. However, if you don’t know their username, it can be challenging to locate their profile. Entering their name into the search function might not work as well as you might think because, with over a billion users, chances are, there are other Instagrammers with the same name.

Fortunately, you can use their phone number database phone number to find them. The advantage of using this method is that phone numbers are unique and should point you directly to the person you are looking for. This step-by-step guide will show you how to find Someone on Instagram using their phone number.

How to Find Someone on Instagram Using Their Phone Number

The primary goal of social media platforms like Instagram is to allow users to connect. One way to do this is by searching for people using their phone numbers. For this method to work, the person you are looking for must be registered on the platform using the same number. The steps outlined here will show you how to use this technique.

  1. Click on the username of the person you are looking for.

You have now found your its customers useful information that not only makes friend on Instagram using their phone number.

How to Find Someone on Instagram Using Third-Party Programs

There are several online services that you can use to find an individual on Instagram using their phone number. Most of them are free to use and should give you detailed information on the person you are looking for, including their social media accounts. Check out some of them here.


With BeenVerified, you can easily find uae phone number information about the person you are looking for, including their address, what property they own, and their social media account details. It’s a powerful tool that will provide a detailed report on the individual’s public information. Let’s look at how to use it.

    1. Head to BeenVerified on your browser.
    2. Type in the person’s details, including their name and phone number.
    3. A report will be generated that should contain their Instagram profile.
  1. Go to Instagram and look up your friend with the information provided.

You have now found Someone on Instagram using BeenVerified.


With PeopleLooker, you can easily find Someone’s social media profile. All you have to do is provide the information you have on hand, such as their name and phone number. The program will then generate data that includes the person’s age, address, social media profiles, and even criminal records. The more information you have on Someone, the easier it will be for PeopleLooker to find them. This is how to use the platform.

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