Create a special category on your website Showcase yourwhere all the amenities and services you offer will be described , e.g. swimming pool, conference room, event hall, anything that would make your hotel an unbeatable place for someone to stay.
Reviews and Reputation management:
As we all know, the power of social media is Showcase your very great, as is the influence it exerts on your future customers.
Before deciding which hotel to stay at, 76% of country email list travelers look for reviews from other guests to form their final opinion.
Integrate all your customer reviews on your hotel website and social media to make your website visitors trust you and choose you because as we have said before, people trust people more, not brands. The way you deal with any negative reviews that may exist also plays an extremely crucial role in the proper utilization of reviews for your business.
Four out of five website visitors respond that they would choose a hotel for their stay that treats its customer reviews, positive or negative, with courtesy and a customer-centric approach.
Use Google analytics:
Google Analytics is a great tool to help you understand how to make text bigger in obsidian your audience, as it will give you detailed information about your website visitors. This information includes location, age group, search terms (keywords), and everything you need to create offers that will significantly increase your conversion rate.
Use VR and AR:
Offer your website visitors the opportunity to virtually tour your hotel as if they were there!! Give them the opportunity to imagine themselves in your hotel and look forward to visiting you to live a complete accommodation experience.
Already, many large businesses using VR and AR technologies have achieved amazing sales results in a very short period of time.
Take advantage of the multiple benefits
Content marketing , especially after the latest algorithm upgrades and the even bigger upcoming changes that Google has in store, is now the core of your hotel’s online promotion.
Quality content designed by professionals and with integrated SEO will attract exactly the ideal visitor to your website at the most appropriate time. beb directory At the same time, it will give you the top of Google ‘s rankings as the most important thing on your website is to offer your customers very high quality content with a customer-centric approach that will have the main goal of benefiting and helping your prospective customers. In short, customer-centric content equals greatly increased bookings and corporate awareness.
With what we mentioned above, you will be able to obtain an easy-to-use, user-friendly and, most importantly, absolutely profitable website that will dramatically increase your hotel’s bookings.
You can see our latest creation for the Bluebayhalkidiki hotel
Do you want to learn how you can get your own successful website for your hotel? Call us, 2310254007