Ten steps on how to use a minisite builder in your strategy

The website is the hub of a brand’s online presence . This channel serves to concentrate brand

information and content, engage the audience, generate leads and — if you have an e-commerce — make sales.

Creating a website is therefore a fundamental step in digital marketing. But have you ever thought about creating minisites for your digital strategy ?

Considering that these types of websites are simpler and provide information to visitors more

quickly, they are aimed at a specific goal , such as marketing a product or collecting brand links,

and can be developed quickly with a minisite builder.

Therefore, below you will learn about the concept of a minisite, how it can be used in Digital

Marketing and the steps to use a minisite creator. Join us in reading:

  • What is a minisite?
  • How to use minisites in Digital Marketing?
  • Top minisite creators on the web
  • Tutorial to create a minisite

What is a minisite?

A minisite is a website made up of one or lebanon phone number list a few pages, which offers visitors

quick information and content on a single topic. It is usually used in addition to a brand’s main

website to meet a specific objective within the Digital Marketing strategy .

The main characteristic of minisites is simplicity. The intention is not to create long pages or offer in-

depth content, but to transmit information to users in a more objective and direct way.

For this reason, developing a minisite is also usually easier and faster ; and there is

no need to know anything about programming or design. Many minisite creators are free or low-cost,

making their implementation more accessible to all types of professionals or businesses.

Differences between website, minisite, hotsite and landing page

The minisite plays a different role than the website in the marketing strategy . Since a brand’s main website is complete , it has all the information that consumers need to know and concentrates the marketing content.

It is also an online sales and lead generation tool , especially if it is integrated with an e-commerce

site. Therefore, Google should easily find it to gain traffic, build authority and get more results.

A minisite, on the other hand, is generally intended for a specific Digital Marketing

action (you will learn some ideas of uses later). Therefore, it is possible to have several minisites that generate traffic to the main website .

You may also think that a minisite is similar to a hotsite or a landing page . However, there are

some differences:

The hotsite is usually created during promotional periods in order to promote a campaign, and has a

deadline to go live . It is usually more visually appealing than the website and minisite, to delight,

conquer and engage visitors.

A landing page, on the other hand, is made up of a single page that is totally focused on conversion .

The intention is to transform visitors into leads through calls and more direct and persuasive forms.

However, minisites can also achieve this goal but generally have more pages and less commercial appeal.

How to use minisites in Digital Marketing?

You can use minisites in your  brands that have used emojis Digital Marketing strategy in different ways.

Let’s look at the following ideas to take advantage of them:

Link in bio

The infamous “link in bio” can actually be a minisite, did you know? This feature is used on Instagram to direct users to an external page , since, for most profiles, the social network does not allow links to be included in posts and stories.

Therefore, profiles usually create a page that gathers the links they want to share. If it is a minisite, you can include links, images, information and content about your business or any topic that requires attention.

Affiliate Minisite

Affiliate marketing often uses minisites. Affiliates bgb directory can create minisites with internal

promotional links to earn commissions as they promote information products.

Minisites can include a list of links that affiliates work with or offer information about a specific

product. In that case, the use of copywriting is essential to persuade visitors to click on the link and purchase.


Small businesses that sell a few products and are just starting out in the market can also take

advantage of minisites to promote their work . It is possible to include a brief description of the company, its products and contact information.

Freelancers, for example, can use minisites to create a portfolio of their work . Restaurants

can include information about their menu, a locksmith can describe his services, and many more possibilities.

The great advantage for SMEs is that minisites are easy and inexpensive to create, which can be a good opportunity to get into Digital Marketing with your own web space.


Minisites can also be used to run tests. You can create pages about a product you want to launch or content you want to go into more depth on a minisite with your own domain, without compromising your main website or branding .

By getting visitors, you will be able to better understand audience engagement and dynamics and then add it to your marketing strategy.

Interactive content

You can also use minisites to offer interactive content to your users . This type of content includes, for example, questionnaires, quizzes, calculators, and more.

Of course, you can also include interactive content on your own website. However, on a minisite, they tend to gain more visibility and audience engagement .

Specific topics

Finally, minisites can be used to publish any topic you want to cover . Let’s say, for example, that you want to publish a manifesto about some cause, a company message in times of image crisis , or a detailed explanation about the ways to use your product.

All of this can be published on a minisite with its own domain to facilitate dissemination on the channels you want to use.


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