The moderate The tropics and the poles. In this belt, the climate is cooler and changeable, with clear seasons.
Subarctic belt — is locat between the temperate zone and the Arctic. Here the climate is harsh, cold with a long winter and a short, cool summer.
The Arctic belt — is locat in the vicinity of the poles. Here the climate is very cold, severe frosts and constant snowfall.
Climatic belts have a significant impact
On vegetation, the animal world and the lives of people in every region. Knowlge of climatic zones allows you to prict the weather, understand recent mobile phone number data the causes of natural phenomena and plan agriculture, construction and other branches of human activity.
Features of climate belts
One of the main factors affecting climatic zones is solar radiation. The sun emits a different amount of heat and light depending on the latitude, and therefore the intensity of solar radiation during the year will vary in different belts. This is one of the main reasons for the differences in temperature and precipitation between equatorial, subtropical and pole belts.
Climatic belts are also determin by air masses
Air masses consist of moist or dry air, and their movement determines the climate in this area. Air masses move in winds within the belts and can lead to email newsletters for commercial real estate promotion various weather conditions, such as cloudiness, precipitation and temperature.
An important factor affecting climatic zones is also the orography or relief of the area. Mountainous areas can create barriers for the air masses, causing changes in their movement and leading to the creation of special microclimatic conditions.
Climatic belts have their own unique flora and fauna
Which have adaptNumber List to the specific conditions of each belt. For example, tropical belts are characteriz by a variety of exotic plants and animals that are ukraine business directory well adaptNumber List to high humidity and constantly high temperatures. On the contrary, the pole belts have poor flora and fauna, where vegetation and the animal world are diverse only in limit territories.