For {{name}} reciprocity is a mental tigger . That is generated when the company offers the user a gift or prize. Within the . Consumer’s mind, the need to reward the company for that detail is generated and the . Best way to do so is through the purchase. For this reason, it is advisable .
To send campaigns that offer discounts or special
Promotions for the most frequent moj data customers and . This subject is ideal for these campaigns. This subject line has the element of curiosity. Personalization, as well as emojis that encourage opening. Subject to say goodbye to year : . A message from {{name}} from the future with this subject it is recommend to make . A change in the sender name and add the personalization variable {{name}} from the future .
So that when the user checks his inbox
And sees the email, he is curious . To the loaded ballast water is taken know how he sent a message to himself, and decides to open and read . The email. The new year is associated with new goals and at some point there . May come a feeling of uncertainty about what will happen in the year ahead. Therefore. Using the future element is recommended.
In this matter there are two elements that
Influence . The email opening b2b reviews rate: the curiosity factor and personalization. Custom sender for the phrases in . The email subject change of sender in emails subject to say goodbye to the year . : we have great surprises for the an end of the year email not only . Has to be a thank you or to congratulate the user, it can also be .
An opportunity to share company news and announce
Events for next year. This subject is . Ideal for these emails because in addition to informing what the campaign is going to . Be about, it also encourages the user’s curiosity. Subject to say goodbye to the year . : did you know this about the new year? Sharing valuable information will always be .