What is the purpose of sending newsletters?

In fact, a newsletter can have an informative and educational purpose , or a more explicitly promotional purpose, without however finding its main ultimate purpose in the commercial side.

Were you wondering the difference What is the between newsletter and Direct Email Marketing ?
You can find it right on this concept.

The purpose of sending is in fact

What most distinguishes a DEM campaign email list and a newsletter. While direct email marketing usually has commercial purposes and is purely sales-oriented. Sending newsletters tends to focus on building relationships .

The main goal of newsletters is to create a continuous and high-value relationship between your company and your target audience. By conveying useful and proven useful content for your mailing list subscribers. You can cultivate relationships, even bidirectional ones, that are based on trust and authenticity.

Using the newsletter as a means of communication can help you build

Authority, consolidate your credibility in people will continue to shop online the eyes of your target audience and generate a fruitful lead nurturing process that brings the contacts who receive it ever closer to your brand.

With a well-studied email marketing strategy, you can easily imprint your brand in the minds of your potential customers and also build loyalty among those who have already purchased from you.

In fact, by taking advantage of the What is the direct relationship established with your readers, you can easily multiply both the opportunities to convert fresh list leads into actual customers, and those to start interesting up-selling and cross-selling campaigns with customers already acquired, increasing your turnover, increasing the permanence of consumers with your brand and potentially extending their Customer Lifetime Value (i.e. the profits obtainable from a given customer over time).


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