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To create a new successful product or complete a project, you ne to clearly formulate the requirements for it. For this, business requirements are us – a document that collects all the wishes of the customer and describes the nes of clients. In this article, we tell you how to create a business requirements document. We share examples and detail instructions.

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What are business requirements

Business requirements are a detail description of what nes to be done to complete a specific project. Business requirements for website or service development are a document describing their characteristics and options. These requirements must be implement to create a valuable product for the user.

Any business requirement serves to:

  • record the requirements of the project customer;
  • collect customer nes;
  • the development team and all employees understood what the final product ne to be;
  • justify the benefits of choosing technically complex business solutions.

What is a Business Requirements Document

Business requirements are not something you can simply write down on a notepad. They are written in a special document. A Business Requirement Document is a report that helps describe the nes of clients and customers.


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There is no specific template for a business requirements document. You can follow this structure:

Business requirements artifacts are elements that are ne to create documentation:

  • Business rules: regulations, establish procures and other regulations.
  • Glossary: ​​Explanation of terms found in the business requirements document.
  • Indicators that are important for evaluating results.

Types of Business Requirements



They describe the specific functions of a system or project that are most important to the business. They answer the question, “What should the system do?”

Example of a functional requirement for an online store:


They describe the characteristics of a product that determine how it should perform its functions. They answer the question, “How should the system function work?”

Business Requirements Levels

Business requirements can be divid into several levels, each of which reflects different aspects of the project.

1. High-level requirements

These are the most general requirements that describe the main goals of a business or project. For example, business requirements for developing an online store may look like this:

2. User requirements

One of the types of business requirements that describe what users expect from a project or service. In addition, business requirements help to identify characteristics that are important to future customers. In the case of the previous example, the document would contain the following requirements:

3. System requirements

This is a type of business requirement that describes in more detail how the system should implement customer wishes. For example, business requirements may include what integrations should be develop for a mobile application. Or how the system reacts when a user adds a product to their favorites.

Formulating business requirements

We explain what steps ne to be taken when drawing up business requirements.

1. Identify the business ne

First of all, you should find out from the customer what requirements they have for the product or project. The interview format is ideal for collecting business requirements. You should prepare for it in advance: make a list of questions about the product or project.

After that, they study individual user nes: conduct surveys and interviews with current customers, study the target audience. Bas on this data, they determine which characteristics are most important to people.

2. Think about how changes affect the project

The next step in defining business requirements is to buy thailand phone data analyze the current state of the project or product. The goal is to understand what changes are ne to implement the new requirements. To do this, an employee in the role of an analyst or product manager interacts with the team to understand how the product works.

3. Select the best solutions that will help meet the nes

Some business and customer nes can be solv in different ways. To choose the best option, you ne to analyze the implementation process of each solution: assess the risks, the impact on the product, the result of its work.

To do this, consider each solution and answer the questions:

  1. What are the risks involv in implementing this solution?
  2. What will be the result of this?
  3. What resources are ne for this: how many performers and in what time will they complete the task?

4. Document business requirements

The results of the analysis obtain in the previous stage must be document in order to later present them to the customer and justify the choice of specific solutions. In the process of documenting business requirements, specify and describe the following parameters:

  • customer wishes and how the chosen solution helps to realize them;
  • risks and opportunities;
  • cost;
  • how the select function will work;
  • What are its limitations?

5. Assess business requirements

Here are some key criteria to consider when analyzing your business requirements:

  1. Clarity . Business requirements should always be formulat very clearly and unambiguously. Every team member should understand them without additional clarification. This will allow employees to understand what goals and tasks will be set for them .
  2. Completeness. The document must include all necessary and complete information for the development process. All possible scenarios for using the function in the system must be taken into account. It is impossible to cm lists describe only a part of the service options or a certain number of options for its use .
  3. Evaluation criteria. There should be clear criteria by which you can determine whether the requirement has been met or not. For example, if the business requirement is to spe up the system, you should specify how exactly you will measure this parameter. And what speup indicators ne to be achiev .
  4. Feasibility. Requirements must be realistic in terms of technical feasibility and available budget .
  5. Consistency. Also, business requirements must be consistent with each other .

 Get feback from process participants

When the document is ready and verifi, it can be shown to stakeholders : customers, product owner , investors. You can also collect feback from the team. A review of business requirements will help you understand how clearly all the points are describ and how much they correspond to the ideas of the process participants.

7. Make changes

It happens that requirements change during the work on a project. Changes ne to be made to the document quickly, and the team nes to be notifi about them immiately. Such corrections usually require shifting deadlines, changing task priorities, so it is better to immiately include a reserve of time for deadlines. This will help avoid missing deadlines due to force majeure.

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