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This team member had knowledge acquired in a master’s degree or at a business school and implemented it for years, until he considered that he had to retrain and start over. Perhaps, these learning intervals occurred every 3-5 years. But this reality can no longer be like this, if the Chief Marketing Officer wants to be digital.

The 10 keys to digital CMO

Your attitude must be active in real time. There is no point in having a rigid business or digital marketing plan for a year in advance. Every day opportunities can arise with data that will take you in a new direction to reach your goals sooner. Be proactive, respond Special Database and never be afraid of making mistakes.

The 10 secrets of the Digital CMO

Always collect all the data. From each of your campaigns, keep an eye on all the relevant information that will allow you to learn, correct bad practices and continue improving. This data includes internal results and actions that have been made public by other companies or organizations.

Optimize everything, including yoursel

Always look for the best possible way to do things, both personally and professionally. You will achieve this by constantly learning.
Experiment by applying science to your decisions or to the company. Science and digital marketing finally meet, all hypotheses must be validated with multiple tests, as if it were a real laboratory. Yes, we are still talking about running a company.


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Ask yourself questions

The quality of the decisions you make depends on the questions you ask yourself. The more good questions you ask yourself, the more likely you are to find answers that will help you grow. This reasoning will allow you to seek control BT Leads your actions and Updated 2024 Mobile Phone Number Directory improve the quality of your life.

Have a positive outlook on everything

Transmit a positive outlook on everything you do. From greeting people in the morning, congratulating colleagues who have done something well, to giving them bad news. Because deep down, when something doesn’t go as we expected, we should always think that we have learned from it and that it helps us improve our search for success.

Everything serves to improve and we should learn from everything

Don’t waste your energy mourning what has been lost, but rather betting on a new path when another ends.

Share all information

with your team. 21st century companies are flexible and open to dialogue. The best decisions are not made by the CEO or the CMO; it is important that the information is accessible to all team members: everyone makes the business possible. A climate of transparency and closeness allows us to know the needs of the team and the clients in detail and, thus, offer the best solution.

Be hungry to learn about new things

Technology evolves at a frenetic pace and it is no longer possible to stick with the same knowledge for life. A digital CMO must always be hungry to learn, to continuously train and to transmit this ability to the entire team. With a conformist attitude you will only get stuck in what you know and not evolve.

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