A  giving the floor to listeners


 Because despite the distrust. A  a large part of citizens remains curious and interest in the mia factory. Ask questions On television A  giving the floor or especially on the radio. A viewers is commonplace and adds a welcome touch of interactivity to certain programs (like the France Inter morning show ).


 The functionality has also been A  giving the floor

internaliz in the station’s mobile application. At Le business to consumer database Monde or Franceinfo . A  interactive live has also become an itorial pillar. Readers’ questions are very present. A  unlike most competing news sites. During the lockdown. The Le Monde’s live has become a real daily meeting for thousands of Internet users. At Libération . The questions and answers have become a successful itorial gimmick with the CheckNews vertical .


Soliciting ideas During the 

Great national debate. The Le Parisien set up a participatory it sounds like a deafening noise of outgoing emails, doesn’t it? system to collect citizens’ ideas and proposals. Result. more than 2. The500 proposals. The then relay in surveys. This “Labo” project was then adapt for the European elections . Request testimonials The call for witnesses is an old journalistic ritual. Some news sites cleverly highlight it. The like Le Monde . We regularly find them on the home page of the site.


 On the New York Times website

The this practice is also increasingly common. Beyond the cmo email list classic calls for witnesses. The the American newspaper regularly launches calls to collect audio and video testimonies. The in order to fe its podcasts and video series. In an electoral context. The this approach also has an interest in keeping readers’ real concerns in mind (and getting out of the usual little horse race that many political journalists indulge in).

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