Promoting social interactions in a society disrupte by the health crisis Shaken by the lockdown . The dating apps are thinking about integrating augmente reality into their services . ” In the years to come. We will be able to walk with our ‘date’ virtually. The thanks to augmente reality. The in the place of our dreams . The explains Didier Rappaport. The CEO of Happn . A dating service base on augmente reality has already exist since January 2020.
Octi is a social network
Allows you to detect the profiles of members registere in business to consumer database the vicinity via the phone’s camera. Once the invitation has been accepte by the latter. The Octi user can see them surrounde by a “floating belt” of virtual elements representing their favorite songs. The videos and Instagram fee. Circumventing social distancing constraints in the arts and culture sector To replace its tour originally scheule for May 2020. The the Real Estate group has create Quarantour. The an AR concert experience .
The principle
An augmente reality web app that offers a why is the newsletter essential in your strategy? pre-recorde performance by the group. Fans attend via a web page on their iOS or Android device. The and can place the concert stage in 3D on the surface of their choice. The augmente reality application was develope by the CALLEN agency. 1999 In the cultural field. The Cuseum offers to move works of art from museums to individuals’ walls via the [AR] T Museum application and its augmente reality functionality Museum from home.
Given the COVID-19 pandemic
Many museum closures around the world. The the nee cmo email list to create an alternative way to experience art and culture has never been greater. The ” said Brendan Ciecko. The CEO and Founder of Cuseum. Brendan Ciecko theorizes that augmente reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies can provide an experience that is just as immersive and neurologically stimulating as viewing original artwork in a museum or gallery. The according to a study conducte in collaboration with MIT’s Dr.